Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Baby Step #1 Follow Up

Well everyone? How are you doing? Have you printed the Emergency Preparedness Plan? The Family Plan section sounds like a great Family Home Evening and/or Family Council!

Even if you can only purchase one single item that is enough! If you can do more, do it!

Remember the idea is to take consistent steps forward

Nephi accomplished his commandment from the Lord to get the plates on the third good try. It's not always the first shot or the first idea that works. If purchasing something doesn't work, is it something that could be pulled together like a sewing kit? Finding safety pins, a nearly empty spool of thread, a few spare buttons and a pair of kids scissors in the back corners of various drawers? Maybe Grandma or a neighbor who sews would trade some of these supplies for a little help around the house.

There is a way. Invite the Lord into your brainstorming sessions. He will help you.

So, what have you done on Baby Step #1 this last week??


  1. We went over the Family Emergency plan and updated our 72 hour kits. Thanks for the great reminder.

  2. Fantastic Letters to My Little Ones!

    We also are updating our kits. I was led to make adjustments to my 'by the book' lists and feel I'm on the right track. I have a few things to keep my eye out and thrift stores or garage sales. Come to think of it I'm going to print out a new list and put it in my purse.
